Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I am sure there is a nation of us looking for the ultimate home-based business, but daily it seems we fall on scam artist promising riches that they cannot deliver, or my favorite ones are the people that tell you it's going to cost this much but when you go to sign up the price is way more! (The old Bait and switch). I am just looking for THE REAL DEAL, a home based business that does not require getting family or friends involved, or selling! and what's the deal with "just fill out forms and make $1,000's" come on! one of my favorite quotes is "if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is!". Please tell me your thoughts on this matter, or tell me about a business that is actually working for you where you are not harassing others to get involved(Gifting programs that require thousands to start). A business that makes realistic money(i.e. $1,500 a month). What are your thoughts...Please.